S.M.A perpetually strives to become a benchmark of excellence in all vistas of education. Fuelled with higher aspirations and motivation, we carve out a luminous path each year and redefine success. Our school magazine is one such camera, that captures, faithfully, the glorious 365 days of St. Mary’s Academy.
70 seasons, 70 batches, and uncountable moments, mark this particular year, the Platinum Jubilee year of St. Mary’s Academy. Thus, the release of ‘The Marian-2022’ symbolizes a perfect conclusion to this memorable session and a harbinger of purer beginnings.
The actions and the efforts of the Marians, here at SMA envisages a broader vison, a Marian’s vision, the vision of St. Mary’s Academy-
May God bless us in all our endeavours and in fulfilling our vision.