• to establish a very happy, secure, well ordered and stimulating environment for staff and children to work within;
  • to promote respect for others and their property;
  • to promote good working habits, and encourage an enquiring mind and self-discipline;
  • to encourage children to take a pride in what they do;
  • to offer the children a broad and stimulating curriculum so that each child will, to the best of their ability:
  • learn to use language effectively and develop a love of books/literature.
  • develop a knowledge and understanding of mathematical concepts and operations.
  • learn to investigate the environment in a scientific way and take an interest in caring for the environment.
  • acquire and develop a knowledge and understanding of geography, history and religion.
  • be encouraged to enjoy and communicate through aesthetic and physical activities such as art, craft, drama, movement, music and physical education.
  • to give support and encouragement when difficulties arise.
  • to recognize the role of parents as partners in the learning process.
  • to encourage a positive relationship between home, school and the community.
  • to promote the international dimension in the school, that there be equal access and opportunityfor all pupil.

St. Mary's Academy seeks to provide for all children a broad, balanced and relevant curriculum. To identify every child's potential for learning and provide appropriate resources for that potential to be fulfilled. To recognize that some children will need special support in one or more of the following areas, physical, emotional, behavioural or academic development Parents and guardians are responsible for notifying the school of any known special needs their child may have. They should alert the school of any concerns they have about their child's education and if educational special needs are identified then parents and guardians have a responsibility to work with the school to support their child as much as is practicable.